Beatrix Simkó

It Contains Hard Parts

Dániel Dömölky

Who am I? Where do I belong? What makes me different? Throughout our lives we operate in varying social constellations. Group dynamics affect all of us, just as each individual affects different groups. In the transnational dance performance “It Contains Hard Parts”, four dancers explore the mechanisms, demands and practices of group dynamics and decision-making, and the fact that one cannot avoid being part of them.


Choreography: Beatrix Simkó
Performer: Charlotte Virgile, Florian Entenfellner, Harrison Claxton / Máté Váth, Sara Valenti
Dramaturgy: Costas Kekis
Stage, Visual Design: Dániel Dömölky
Costume: Adél Kovács, Luca Batke
Music Composition: Ábris Gryllus
Outreach: Fanny Hajdú
Production Management: Brigitta Kovács
Production Assistance: Gitta Nyolczas


Beatrix Simkó


Workshop Foundation, Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts

Funded by

Internationaler Koproduktionsfonds Goethe-Institut, Imre Zoltán Program of National Cultural Foundation in Hungary (IZP), National Cultural Fund of Hungary (NKA), Ministry of Human Resources Hungary (EMMI), Stadt Essen
  • 11 | 05 - 20:00 h Rollstuhl Gehbehinderung Cologne, Tickets

Sensory Triggers & Content Notes


Participation Format

Audience Talk about It contains hard parts
Cologne, 11 | 05 - 20:50 h
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