XXTanzTheater – Tanzfakultät der Schönen Künste, Uniatlántico

El Encanto de la Magdalena - (Der Zauber der Magdalena)

This dance film delves into the legends of the Colombian Caribbean. Once upon a time, a legendary person lived in the mangrove forests on the banks of the Magdalena River: “Mohana” or “Mohan”, who knew the power of plants and helped the grieving souls. When the Spanish invasion came, it brought grief and destruction to the population. Mohana/Mohan persecuted the Spanish explorers to make them pay for their crimes. The passage of centuries did not erase the story, it catapulted it into the future: Mohana/Mohan sails on the river, sings sad songs and disappears into caves that no one wants to visit at night.


Artistic Direction, Choreography: Bibiana Jimenez; Filmregie: Arturo Campos
Production Management: Tania Iglesias
Furnishing: Flavia Rosales
Cosutme Assistance: Medulla
Dancers: Habib Guerrero, Valentina Palmett, Vanessa Vega, Juliana Pedraza, María Camila Cifuentes, Laura Mora, Kateryn Cardenas, Nahat Reyes
Music: Carl Ludwig Hübsch
Photo Direction: Diego Insignares
Camera: Diego Insignares, Carlos Gúzman, Luis Miguel Charris, Jason Carreño
Editing: Diego Insignares


XXTanzTheater - Bibiana Jimenez


Universität Atlantico Fakultät der Schönen Künste

Funded by

Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW, Kultursekretariat der Stadt Baranquilla

Supported by

Atlántico Universität
Digitale Bühne
  • 04 | 05 - 14 | 05 Digital, On Demand
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